• TOP in Google
  • Webdesign
  • Creating a website
  • SEO-texts
../images and logo cordis-site

What do you get?

If your main goal is to generate profit or attract new clients, then it's quite simple: you need an experienced specialist. You've come to the right place. 

It's important to understand right away: advertising on Google is not magic or sorcery. It's diligent daily work. The specialist's main task is to stabilize the effectiveness of the advertising. The balance between expenses and revenue should satisfy the advertiser. A specialist or agency are not magicians or wizards, but ordinary people with experience who perform their job for a reasonable fee.

An experienced specialist knows how to make advertising effective and proposes ways to improve it.

Why do I need this?
If you sell goods or are looking for new customers, advertising on Google is indispensable. It is essential for success in all cases.

How do we do this?
We analyze your website, determine the strategy and development plan (1-3 days), and coordinate them with you. The results become noticeable almost immediately, within the first 3-4 days after the launch of the advertisements. You don't need to do anything; we handle all the work. Every month, you will receive reports with the necessary information, which we discuss in detail.

The complete configuration of the Google Ads campaign includes:
● Creation of all types of ads
● Full support with guaranteed results
● Selection and testing of keywords
● Optimization of advertising costs

We also create and implement all the necessary tools for effective operation:
● Google Analytics
● Google Tag Manager
● Google Merchant Center (Google Shopping)

Discover the difference between Google Ads and other Google services here.

What result can I expect?
With Google Ads, your website will appear above the organic search results. This will significantly grow your customer base, leading to increased sales of services and products. Even after setting up Google Ads, you will continue to receive full support from us.

What is SEO?
This involves a series of optimization tasks for the website, aimed at bringing the site to the first pages of search engine results.

How do we do this?
First, we thoroughly analyze your website to identify weaknesses. Next, we optimize the content by integrating relevant and high-quality keywords. We improve technical aspects such as load speed and mobile responsiveness to enhance the user experience. Additionally, we create quality backlinks to accelerate your website's growth in search engines. We continuously monitor and analyze your website's performance for further optimization, aiming to improve its position in search results.

What result can I expect?
The results will be visible after 4 months of our work.

Why do I need this?
Developing a custom website is a lengthy process that involves design, coding, integration, and testing. If you have a small or medium-sized online store (up to 5,000 products), it is not practical to develop a custom online store. There are many off-the-shelf solutions available, such as Wix, WordPress, Shopify, and others, from which you can choose. Nevertheless, we offer three accessible and high-quality services. In any case, you will receive:

● A fully customized and optimized e-commerce website
● These services adhere closely to all search engine guidelines and are updated promptly
● Excellent support (you will receive a response within 15-20 minutes)

How much does this cost?
The annual cost for the services we recommend is a maximum of 150 euros, which amounts to 12 euros per month. This rate includes a complete package of all services and tools. No additional costs or extra plugins are required.

Instagram and Facebook are excellent and effective platforms for promotion and sales.
To leverage the full potential of these tools, it is essential that your Instagram and Facebook pages look professional and attractive.

● We optimize your pages to generate maximum impact. Our team ensures the pages are sales-oriented and we set up effective ads that reach right target audience.

Should you not be satisfied with the results, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Why do I need this?
This service is perfect if you only need specific individual services.

What do we do?
We handle the setup, integration, and connection of the following services of your choice:
● Google Analytics 4
● Google Tag Manager
● Google Merchant Center (Google Shopping)

Why is this important?
For successful promotion of a website in search engines, it is necessary to create high-quality content, including articles (SEO texts) containing key search queries. However, simply having text on the website is not enough.
Modern search engines are highly intelligent and consider many parameters to evaluate content.

The main ones are:
● Uniqueness of content: Articles must be original and not duplicate information from other sources.
● Usefulness and interest: The content must be relevant and provide valuable information for readers.
● User behavior: If visitors quickly leave the page after reading an article, search engines may consider such content as unvaluable, leading to a decline in the website's ranking in search results.

We specialise in creating useful, interesting and unique content that meets modern search engine requirements and attracts an audience.

What does custom website mean?
This is a custom-designed website, developed according to your specifications and built using pure HTML/CSS/JS code. A custom website is always the best solution for your project.
Unlike websites created with builder platforms (such as Wix or Shopify), a custom-designed website has no limitations. Your website can look exactly as the designer envisioned, down to the smallest details. Additionally, you can always make changes, avoid unnecessary features that may slow down the website, and ensure high loading speed.

How do we do this?
We work with several professional designers who deliver high-quality work at a reasonable price. You have the option to have your website design created by them. After the design is approved, we proceed with the development of the website. The duration of this process depends on the design you choose. Once the final result meets your satisfaction, we go live with the website and conduct tests.

An example of a website developed using pure code (HTML/CSS/JS) is displayed before you. You can assess the high speed of the website yourself (lease note that the server hosting this website is not located in Europe). If your website is built with a CMS platform (builder platform), you will eventually encounter limitations that do not exist with a custom-designed website.

Our Guarantee
One-time setup or services:
● Code installation
● Google services
● GDesign or code writing, etc.
No guarantee is needed here because it's straightforward: it either works or it doesn't.

Google ADS, advertising, and full support.
A guarantee is important in this case since you are investing your money and time. It's crucial to understand that we are merely intermediaries between customers and your website. We help customers find you and make a purchase, and we help you find the right customer.

Our goal is to bring the right audience to your website. We guarantee that your website will receive targeted orders or customers, meaning you will get targeted traffic. This is not just a large flow of random visitors but rather interested clients who intend to make a purchase. This is known as a "hot audience."

We are open to discussing other guarantee conditions depending on the services we provide. If we do not fulfill our guarantee, we will refund your money.

Fair and pure terms.

Any business cannot grow (scale up) without advertising and promotion in search engines. It does not matter what type of advertising you use:

  • Distributing business cards in your neighbourhood
  • Advertising on Instagram or Facebook
  • Promoting your brand with Google ads

All this means increasing your business and attracting customers. How can you quickly attract new customers attract new customers and maximise your business turnover? The only answer to this question is to place an advertisement.

About us and our services.

We are a team of specialists in promoting sites in search engines. Our main directions are:

  • SEO website promotion
  • Paid advertising in Google's search engine

These are two different ways to promote your business in the search engine.

SEO is a long, hard road. It requires patience, financial investment making you a slower, but better result. You need at least four months or more. It all depends on the project and many other indicators. But in the end, you will get a lot of high-quality and relatively cheap traffic to your site.

Advertising through Google (Google ADS) is a quick start. You get new customers almost immediately and your business starts working. But this way only works on the basis of paying to drive customers to your site to draw. In simple words: you pay - advertising works, you don't pay - advertising doesn't work. Everything is very clear and understandable.

The ideal variant of promotion - is a combination of both aspects. On one side the slow but build customers reliably through SEO and on the other hand getting a good kickstart with Google Ads to speed up the process. We are not talking about social media here. This is a completely separate direction with different approaches.

We are not talking about social networks. This is a completely separate direction.

Google advertising, how it helps you and why you want it.

At first glance, it looks simple enough. You sell sports shoes. Someone enters a keyword in the search engine, e.g. "buy sports shoes", and Google displays a site with your product. The person sees your product, buys and that's it!

In this scheme, everyone is happy, the customer bought sports shoes, Google got its premium for advertising, the site got a customer who bought sports shoes. And it would be desirable for it to be like this 100 times a day would go. But that's not how it works. And it will never work that way. Advertising through Google, marketing, good analysis - it is a very complex set of all kinds of actions and manipulations. A few examples.

Google has many tools and technologies to get your site up and growing your business:

  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Analytics
  • Google ADS

And this is only the most basic set of tools without which effective advertising is impossible. You can go on to describe different technologies, give examples and case studies and eventually it becomes an endless process.

All this manoeuvring with meetings, charts on paper, face-to-face meetings and discussions about incomprehensible strategies - are not in our package. We offer a marketing service that allows you can kickstart your site and continuously grow in the long term. We want to make the process as simple and clear as possible so that we can have a good collaboration without unnecessary time commitments.

All these manoeuvres with meetings and gatherings, with charts on paper, tea at the round table, face-to-face meetings and discussions on incomprehensible strategies - at first, this is just a a waste of time.

The formula for success is very simple - PRODUCT - MONEY - PRODUCT. Nothing new that mankind hasn't has invented. If you put money into advertising and there are no results, your marketer doesn't know how to should work. Everything is simple and straightforward.

Why do I need an advertising specialist?

Setting up and running an ad does not cost much. When setting up an ad, the main cost is the time needed to set up the ad properly. There are many ins and outs you need to know and a lot of time creeps into it. That's why you need an advertising specialist, he puts in all the time that clients don't. The main task of an ad specialist is to constantly work with Google's algorithms.

Let me give an example of an account.

There is such an important indicator "Auction statistics". In one of the ad accounts, the client was constantly in the top three. Suddenly, something happened. After 10.12.2023 the client's site dropped to 10th position and below. This problem was quickly solved because we constantly monitor these indicators and many others.

This was a problem. And it had to be solved quickly. This indicator and many others are being in the monitored.

That we are

Our team


All types and kinds of work with Google services. Setting up semantics for the site. Full analysis. Full interaction with Google services.

Our team


SEO specialist, PPC specialist. All types of work with texts on website (English, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian). Work with title and Description.

Our team


Google Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics. HTML, CSS, JS. Development of turnkey websites (online shops, regular sites).