• TOP in Google
  • Webdesign
  • Creating a website
  • SEO-texts
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Google ads, services from 350 euro monthly

We're available 24/7

How are ads shown?
What is the behaviour of visitors on the site?
Which products are viewed more and which are not viewed at all?
These and many other parameters should be constantly monitored and observed. Make changes and observe how these changes affect the functioning of the site.

Google has many different advertising strategies, all different from each other. There are ad campaigns that require constant selection and testing of searches, for example. There are also ad companies that use automatic keyword selection. In each of these strategies, companies need to be able to work with keywords, select them, test and control, etc.

The better a site is optimised for a search engine, the cheaper the ads. A well optimised website offers good opportunities for SEO promotion. A site that is not search engine optimised does not perform well. Advertising becomes expensive and does not deliver the expected results.
Optimising a website is a responsible and time-consuming process.

The ad cabinet budget should be checked daily. Often, minimal changes in the bid of searches bring amazing results. If the budget of the company is not monitored, it can lead to overspending and inefficiency. You should not only manage the budget, but also the days and times when ads are displayed.

Google Analytics:
- Creating target groups
- Analysing visitors' interaction with the website
- Traffic source analysis
and many more, depending on the projects
Google Tag Manager:
- Creating the necessary triggers for tracking
Google Merchant Center:
- An indispensable tool for Google Shopping
All online shops (webshop) work with this tool.

Our company's splash page

Standard packages often do not meet specific customer needs. Customers do not always have a full understanding of exactly what they need. We offer a full service package, including high-quality support, in addition, we can also perform partial jobs, such as connecting or setting up specific services.

To work with the basic rate, it is necessary to start advertising in a preparatory way. How much work is involved? - Without analysing it, we don't know.

Task completed

Analysing your project and requesting a quote is free.

Email us your website and what you want to achieve. We will analyse it and then we can tell you the exact cost of our work.

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A few examples of how we shape the cost of our services.

If you have been looking for an advertising agency or looking for answers yourself, you have found several offers found. On the internet, you can find offers starting from 100 euros per month. We have commented on and will give some examples that will encourage you to think and not to experiment and waste your time and money.

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An important rule and key to success:

"In the internet goods or services your website sells. Not you." You need a simple design and clear functionality for the visitor.

If you have never advertised before and have no registered Google tools, your site needs to be be fully prepared. This takes time.

Task completed

Conclusion. Prepare the minimum necessary tools to start and set up advertising set.

You have an online shop with product cards. Each product card has some important parameters for the search engine. These need to be set and optimised properly.
We work with shops of 80 products and we also have projects with 5,000 products. The quality of work we do is at the same high level for all projects, only the time spent varies per project.

We have been guiding this project for several years now.
The site sells greenhouses. This product has seasonal. October, November, December and January are the dead period. The goods are practically unsold.
But from February, sales start picking up. This period should be watched carefully watched. We're sure your competitors probably work with agencies or have a marketer on their team who collects daily auction statistics, checks daily site positions monitors, analyses statistics and takes action in the evening that improves the shop's position in the search engine improves.
To put it simply.
If you have a physical shop, people go in and buy goods. Every evening or morning you clean it, tidy it up, and upgrade it. So, in your online shop for the day come 1,000 times more visitors so why should you treat an online shop differently from a physical shop? The shop needs to be monitored, analysed, improved and constantly worked on. Look at the websites of your competitors in in different countries. This will be the answer to many of your questions. It is like a car, it has to be constantly maintained and checked.

Task completed

We do our work with quality. Our work delivers results. We care about the trust of our customers, our rating and positive recommendations. We avoid collaboration without results. You cannot do half a job and get a good result achieve.