What is SEO website promotion:
SEO basics

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What is SEO promotion? SEO website promotion in search engines is suitable for most businesses offering their products or services online. It is an effective way to be permanently listed in search engine rankings and continuously increase the number of visitors.

In simple terms, this article will explain what SEO is and the main steps of optimisation.

What is SEO website promotion?

The acronym SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. Simply put, SEO is a series of internal and external optimisation actions aimed at increasing a website's ranking in search engines.

Quality professional SEO is not just about building links or creating useful content. Promoting a website requires an overall approach.

A website is useless without promotion. Without optimisation, there will be very little or no traffic to the site unless other methods of attracting traffic are used.

SEO is suitable for anyone planning to sell goods online or already doing so, looking for customers, partners, etc. It makes sense to promote a website if:

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    Your product is in demand by a wide audience;

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    Your company has internet competitors;

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    The product is legally authorised for sale;

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    You are willing to wait at least a few months for the results;

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    You are looking for relatively inexpensive website promotion systems that are effective and reliable in consistently attracting visitors;

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    You are willing to invest time and money in your website, to constantly develop and improve it;

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    You plan to stay in the market within your niche or expand over time.

SEO optimisation is not designed to achieve quick results. It is designed for a long-term effect. You will only be able to see the first results after starting promotional work in 2-3 months.

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Where to start SEO site promotion?

First, decide what the purpose of SEO optimisation is and how its effectiveness will be measured. For example, SEO promotion may have the following goals:

  • To bring the site to the top for specific searches;
  • Increasing number of visitors on the site;
  • Increasing conversions;
  • Improving the site's position in search engines compared to competitors' projects, etc.

Also, if you are going to do SEO promotion, you should identify the categories and web pages that are most relevant and important. By prioritising these, the website will start generating revenue faster. Draw up an action plan with a list of all the necessary work and prioritise it:

  • The order in which website pages are optimised;
  • The order in which content should be added to the site;
  • Resources where you can post links to your project, etc.

Why do you need SEO website promotion?

SEO promotion is aimed at improving the website's position in SERP for selected searches. Its goal is to increase traffic, popularity of projects and the number of sales and leads.

Without SEO optimisation, your project will be lost among hundreds or thousands of other projects on the same topic present on the web. Users will never be able to find your site through search engines. The higher the position of the site, the more visitors you will receive. Some of the traffic will be picked up by contextual advertising, but most users choose sites from top output. So it is very important to work regularly to improve the site's position and not stop at the top output, otherwise you may be crowded out by competitors.

Why is SEO website promotion profitable?

Investing in SEO promotion is a better type of investment than ordering contextual advertising, as context requires regular budgeting of significant amounts. With SEO, once you are on top, you can reduce your promotion costs by only publishing new quality content regularly.

Search engine optimisation has a number of benefits such as:

  • The low cost of the customer you attract;
  • A long-term effect even after the promotion work is completed;
  • More trust from clients. They may feel that lower-quality projects need context and those who took the top positions do not;
  • Reach a large audience etc.

What does SEO entail?

Search engine optimisation and website promotion are constantly evolving. Ranking algorithms are improving and new analytics and tracking services are appearing.

A few years ago, for example, search engine optimisation consisted mainly of building external link mass. Today, the most important phase of SEO promotion is the work on internal optimisation. For external promotion, donors should be carefully selected according to the principle "better to have something less, but of higher quality".

SEO promotion of a website in search engines covers three main areas: external, internal optimisation or organic SEO and analytics. Each area consists of different actions to be carried out in specific order.

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Stages of website promotion


A niche analysis and concurrency audit. Highly ranked sites with similar themes should be studied. Pay attention to structure, usability, number of contributors, number of visitors, age, social media promotion. At this stage, you will find out which optimisation methods are effective among your main competitors.

At the same time, you need to analyse the niche as a whole. Where should you expect maximum traffic from and what additional channels should you use? You should use services to analyse your competitors.

To quickly find your competitors in search results, use our "Competitors" service. Just enter the address of your domain in the search box and the service will show you relevant competitors in Google search results based on semantics.

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More on how to conduct a competitive analysis in this article

A technical audit of the website. If the resource already exists, you should check its current state and evaluate its progress over the past period. A young site has no optimisation history, so you need to connect it to web analytics tools (Google Analytics, Google Search Console).

At this stage, you should analyse the site's current position, number of keyword phrases used, sources of traffic (if any).

It is also necessary to check the site for technical errors, determine the page loading speed, check which search engines the traffic is coming from and whether there are any gross irregularities that could hinder promotion. If necessary, technical files and other parameters that affect the indexing and ranking of the site are adjusted.

OTo quickly check your site for errors, use the "Site Audit module" from on dedicated service. It will find problems and make recommendations on how to fix them. For more information on all the steps, see the full guide:

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Conduct a site audit

Creating a semantic core. Selecting the maximum number of relevant keywords helps to increase the flow of visitors (traffic). There is no optimal number of keywords. They are selected individually for each project.

You can build a semantic core using dedicated paid services.


Refine the structure of the website. Depending on the gathered core, the existing structure needs to be created or updated. In this context, new sections and overview pages can be added.

The "Clustering tool" can help create the structure of the website. It divides the collected sentences into clusters under individual pages, categories and sections. All you need to do is a quick edit to "clean up" the result.


Filling pages with content. It should be unique and as useful as possible for visitors. Each page should be targeted to a specific search term or group of searches.
It is also important to add Title, Description meta tags, H1-H6 subheads to each page and create attractive snippets. It is recommended to use micro-parsing for this purpose.


Internal linking. Textual and graphical content should include links that lead to internal pages of the site, allowing the user to stay on the site longer and view the site in more depth.


External optimisation. At this stage, a plan should be made to gradually acquire links from donor sites, which are pre-checked for authority.

Today, the rule "the more external links, the better" no longer applies. During external optimisation, it is necessary to include source names, peri-link text and the number of links needed for promotion on a monthly basis.

You can find out the best donors by analysing competing websites. It is also recommended to use company and site directories, forums and aggregators as free sources. External links can be bought from special services and exchanges.

You can analyse your competitors' link strategies with the "Link Analysis" service. Find relevant sites and try to get links from them.


Social media promotion. Creating groups and profiles, a video channel increases the visibility of your site, brand, and indirectly helps with search engine promotion.

In addition to these actions, it is important to follow new promotion trends, learn new tools, discover news in the thematic niche and keep an eye on your competitors. Report regularly and follow the trend of site promotion. Authorised to conduct experiments, tests, surveys among visitors. All these actions will help take the site to the top.

To learn the basics of SEO, read official search engine help, recommendations from reliable sources, posts on popular blogs and news. For a successful start to promotion, it is advisable to take SEO courses that will help you understand the terminology, learn the basic steps and the necessary actions that will help you promote your website.


Optimising a website for search engines consists of several stages. Most are carried out within the site, but also important to attract traffic from external sources.

At the same time, you should analyse what has already been done and plan your future promotional efforts. Search engine algorithms are constantly being improved and updated. Therefore, it is important to follow the news and trends in SEO optimisation.

Any website that sells goods and services or offers useful information to users can be promoted in search engines.

Before working on improving rankings positions, a thorough SEO analysis of the website should be carried out, as well as research on competitors and your thematic niche. Every action should follow a plan. To better understand the basics of search engine optimisation, SEO courses are recommended.